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Live Hacking

Every second week we start a new live hack!


In our LIVE Hack, the community go through a defined task of a defined website.
Our goal is to get an understanding of good ux
After that they have to evaluate the task with a the UEQ. A UEQ, or User Experience Questionnaire, is a standardized tool used to measure the user experience of a product, typically a digital interface such as a website or application. It assesses various aspects of user experience through a structured set of questions. The UEQ is designed to capture users’ perceptions and feelings about a product quickly and effectively.

The UEQ consists of multiple scales that measure different dimensions of user experience. These dimensions typically include:

Attractiveness: The overall appeal of the product. Perspicuity: The clarity and ease of understanding the product.
Efficiency: How quickly and efficiently users can complete tasks.
Dependability: The reliability and predictability of the product.
Stimulation: How exciting and motivating the product is to use.
Novelty: The innovativeness and creativity of the product’s design.


Questionnaire Format: The UEQ uses a semantic differential format, where each item is presented as a pair of contrasting adjectives (e.g., “annoying” vs. “enjoyable”). Users rate their experience on a scale between these two adjectives.

Scoring: Responses are typically scored on a Likert scale, often ranging from -3 to +3, where users indicate the extent to which they agree with one adjective over the other. Scores are then aggregated to provide insights into each dimension.

Versatility: The UEQ can be used for a wide range of products, from software applications to physical devices. It is suitable for both formative evaluations (during the design process) and summative evaluations (after a product has been released).

Benchmarking: The UEQ can be used to compare the user experience of different products or versions of a product. Benchmarking data is often available, allowing organizations to see how their product performs relative to industry standards.

Overall, the UEQ provides a comprehensive and reliable way to measure and analyze user experience, helping organizations understand user perceptions and identify areas for improvement in their products.